A link symbol  a list of websites i think are useful, interesting, or otherwise should be seen!

cool neocities sites, webrings, etc

Monkie Business' site button The Alterhuman Dictionary's site button Sun Wukong's site button Drabunwolfcat's site button Ballonlea's site button Feeling Machine's site button Shadowfae's site button Pink Vampyr's site button Waterfall's site button Mizuki's site button Cloverbell's site button Luvdisc's site button, which says 'Pokemon Shipping List' on it 32 Bit Cafe's site button Emo Emo's site button Autistic As Fuck's site button Metal Valley's site button Owl's Roost's site button Control Core Angel's site button Inkposting's site button Patchwork of Shadows' site button, which says 'play with faeries' Mani's site button Ghosting Pen's site button Butch Dyke's site button Maia's site button Andou's site button Slumbering Weald's site button The Battle Tree's site button Soul Silvers' site button Lorekeeping' site button Twigs Are Tasty's site button Arrothame's site button Comfort's site button Big Tub's site button Shiny Exe's site button

Fictosexual's site button Pixel art of Zorua from Pokemon

aromatic // smoke and sugarplum sweet

OTF pokemon

Rabbit Hearted :: cream Holland lop

Full art Celebi TCG card Full art Friends in Galar TCG card Full art Sylveon TCG card

Lain Iwakura is guardian of this website

♥ hopeless romantic

The Accessible Net Directory's site button Neocities West Hollywood's site button Neocities' Tomodachi Life site button List-Me.com's site button
The Sylveon fanlisting's button The cat fanlisting's button The Mondo Oowada fanlisting's button The Undertale fanlisting's button The Elderberries clique's button, which says 'I am a fairy' The moon fanlisting's button The hyena fanlisting's button The bunny fanlisting's button

The Needy Streamer Overload fanlisting's button The seal fanlisting's button The Firefox browser fanlisting's button The Pokemon plushie fanlisting's button The pink fanlisting's button The Serial Experiments Lain fanlisting's button The Ishimondo fanlisting's button The fanfiction fanlisting's button

The LEGO Monkie Kid fanlisting's button The Vocaloid fanlisting's button The Good Omens fanlisting's button The web surfing fanlisting's button The mahou shoujo fanlisting's button The Catradora fanlisting's button The demon fanlisting's button The bookworm fanlisting's button, which says 'I claimed The Song of Achilles'

internet toolset

make a pdf of images

privacy-focused pdf editor

prepares pdfs for book binding

gif editing

imgur, except you don't need an account

compress things to fit discord's file limit

how to hack your 3ds

search engine that provides google search results, without the tracking.

free ebooks

peer-reviewed books

peer-reviewed journals

educational resources, journals, etc

search engine for pdf files

search engine for the indie web

search engine for neocities

search engine for the oldest result on the internet

search engine that searches all the internet

reduce noise and increase the size of pictures

an internet archive with lots of free stuff

for bypassing paywalls

free medium articles

downloader most popular sites' uploaded media

a guide to online safety, privacy, and security

filters to add to adblockers

an extension that lets you follow anyone without signing up to social media

how to protect yourself from online harassment

a guide to defensive computing

turn bookmarks into link lists

youtube playlist to html


webhost masterlist

css grid generator

css generators and tools

css clip path generator

div-based layout generator

a visual tool for making collage-esque sites

tileable backgrounds

more tileable backgrounds

subtle tileable backgrounds

how to direct-link iframe pages

find installable fonts

system fonts for every operating system

make your own blinkie with a template

make your own webring

get a cute cursor for your page

or get a custom cursor from here

how to add a custom cursor

cursor effects

collection of free visual effects using html

text float on hover

blur and zoom on hover

text enter animation

custom image falling

a directory of cute site materials

lots of text icons

check for dead links

lots of 80x15 badges

even more 80x15 badges / (alt link)

javascript effects

html and bbc text gradients

html cheat sheet

css hover effects

css shadow generator

optimize images without lowering quality

test your site at different resolutions

evaluate your site's accessibility

a guide to alt text

what it's like to browse an inaccessible site

why your site should work on phones, and how make it do so


a gameboy filter for your images

photoshop, but make it in-browser and free

for finding references of a certain head angle

the same as above, but for animals

the same as above, but for poses

another website for finding references

a third website for finding references

a deviantart full of stock poses for reference

same as above

same as above, again

same as above: the remix

a good site for dynamic pose references

library of art for character design reference

fandom toolset

alternate hosting of ao3's code

ao3 search cheat sheet

the fanfic author's guide to metatext (ao3)

show only primary pairing script (ao3)

script for blocking tags and authors (ao3)

ao3 bulk downloader

a place for authors to give blanket podfic permissions

an alternative to fandom.com

an extension for avoiding fandom.com

buying doujinshi: a crash course

the beginner's guide to finding fanart on pixiv

script for free pixiv premium

bulk-download entire tags from imageboards

make a locally-hosted booru for those images

stories and commentary

"cat pictures, please" (fiction)

"how to become a robot" (fiction)

"pinky and pepper forever" (fiction)

"good writers are perverts" (art)

"how us copyright law fails fan creators" (fandom)

"on letting people enjoy things" (fandom)

"a timeline of hurt/comfort and whump in fandom" (fandom)

"game criticism is a kindness" (opinion)

"laziness does not exist" (opinion)

"the church of american startups and capitalism" (politics)

"resisting the curriculum of racist violence" (politics)

"out of the closet and into the streets" (politics)

"in defense of men" (politics)

"vanished from the earth" (politics)

"the great offline" (the 'net)

"an ode to online friendships" (the 'net)

"i'm still here: back online after a year without the internet" (the 'net)

"bring out your blogs" (the 'net)

"against a user-hostile web" (the 'net)

"everyone's a sellout now" (the 'net)

"the truth is paywalled, but the lies are free" (the 'net)

"hyperemployment - the exhausting work of the technology user" (the 'net)

"how websites die" (the 'net)

"the ballad of earthbound's gay tony" (queerness)

"i don't feel safe around cis women" (queerness)

"on hyperpersonalized sexual identity" (queerness)

"i am a transwoman. i am in the closet. i am not coming out." (queerness)

"binaries and boxes" (queerness)

queer history

the bisexual history they don't want you to know

canada's lgbt+ archives

queer zine archives

anything that moves archive (bisexual magazine)

the bisexual manifesto

a masterpost of leslie feinberg's works

united in anger: a history of act up (documentary)

interviews with members of act up

lesbian herstory archives

the trans archives of the university of victoria

digital transgender archives

glbt historical society

lgbt+ digital collaboratory

paris is burning (documentary)

how to survive a plague (documentary)

one archives

new york public library's lgbt+ archives

history of queer women's symbols (video)

on the butch and femme identities (with sources)

for fun

create a playlist based on a song

create a playlist based on an artist

find similar musical artists

a site for obscure words

yume nikki online

seamless official pokemon patterns


this site will self-destruct

a program that makes mechanical keyboard sounds

cute pastel theme available on almost anything

playstation lain in browser

a directory of unfiction projects

plays the hourly animal crossing music in real time

unofficial, free manga translations

my favorite indie game creator


an important post about m/f multigenders

the lgbtq+ guide to online safety

a troubleshooting guide for when you feel bad

a collection of 'save yourself' files

mental health tips feat. anxiety wolf

mental health resources

a pronoun dressing room

the history of otherkin

a more accessible font for neurodivergent people

free writing program for neurodivergents - what i use

ai-powered tools for neurodivergent people

the autism self-diagnosis masterdoc

how to unmask as an autistic person

that's gender dysphoria, fyi

tone indicator masterlist

copyright countermovement

digital rights management faq

gender accelerationist manifesto

the anarchist library

communist text files

anticapitalism faq

activist handbook

leftist zines

a reclaimation of queer dehumanization

prominent homophobes who turned out to be gay

atrocities committed by the u.s.

line goes up - the problem with nfts (video)