Header that says, 'Tricky Fox Cliques: a small collection of web cliques'. It shows Zorua from Pokemon.
         add site     clear    The button for the Tricky Fox Clique. It shows Zorua from Pokemon.

What's a clique?

A clique is made up of a list on people on the 'net who put a code on their site, to show something about them! For example, Aromatic shows off what a user imagines their website smells like. These differ from fanlistings in that fanlistings are about saying that you're a fan of something, while cliques are more specific. They can be about claiming something, supporting an ideal, or sharing an interesting fact about one's self!

I think cliques are fun, and I had a small handful of ideas that I really wanted to see.. So, I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world! The thing that I like about text cliques are the cool facts that they let you share about yourself, and the cute pixel art accompanying it, rather than the "hits" or "popularity" aspect. So that's what I aim to focus on here as well! [Last Updated: 4.16.2024]


How do I join?

  1. Pick any clique(s) you want to join!
  2. Put the code on your site, with the info customized to you as needed!
  3. Optionally, you can add your site to the list of members using the "ADD SITE" button above! You don't have to do this, though. Only if you wanna!




The cliques themselves


The Spirit Web

If you're in the spirit world, you're on a land or realm inhabited by (you guessed it) spirits; both good and evil. If you're in The Spirit Web, you get to tell everyone the type of spirit you find yourself aligning with more: angels, or demons.


Pixel art of angel wings I am angelic ♥ Pixel art of angel wings

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/7v5H0TL.png"> I am <a href="https://macaque.neocities.org/trickyfox/"> angelic ♥</a> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/uAEhywQ.png">

Pixel art of demon wings I am demonic ★ Pixel art of demon wings

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/ANB4K2a.png"> I am <a href="https://macaque.neocities.org/trickyfox/"> demonic ★</a> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/KpQ1m1y.png">



Everybody has that one character that is just so Them. All of their positive traits, all of their negative traits, and everything in between. You tell people that you relate to this character not as a casual comment, but as a way of sharing a part of yourself. Well, I want you to take that character, and name 'em here!

This clique was inspired by the now-defunct Split Personality clique, which I have lovingly (and unofficially) rebooted. With updated themeing, for obvious reasons.


LINKED ! Pixel art a silver chain Marcy Wu

<a href="https://macaque.neocities.org/trickyfox/">LINKED !</a> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/9nXFJCq.png"> character name here

LINKED ! Pixel art a silver chain Marcy Wu

<a href="https://macaque.neocities.org/trickyfox/">LINKED !</a> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/Y9qYZyq.png"> character name here

Love's Souvenir

This is a clique which aims to keep the memories of those who have passed on alive. Who you name can be anyone at all; someone you knew personally, someone in the public eye, a pet, or even someone from media whose death had a profound effect on you.

"Grief is love's souvenir."


Pixel art a grave with flowers at it I will remember Flapjack forever

<a href="https://macaque.neocities.org/trickyfox/"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/JKM7Bh2.png"></a> I will remember (name) forever